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Our Weekly Devotional

Higgs Boson God Particle & Faith

Thursday, March 21, 2013 • • General
We must know so much about God that He shapes our culture; otherwise, members of that culture will create myths to explain the God-sized hole in their hearts.

Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the Word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.----Luke 1:1-5

      Here's good news for young believers troubled by scientific headlines that seem to challenge the Bible's authenticity:

More science proves the Bible true than questions it.

      In fact, more evidence exists to prove the Bible we read today was accurately recorded and carefully passed down to us than any other book in the history of literature. We're not talking about bits and pieces, either. Using the standards of archaeologists, linguists, text analysts and scientists in other branches, the Bible consistently holds its place as the most accurate piece of ancient literature in history. It's so reliable, in fact, that it's more reasonable to question the accuracy, authenticity and/or authorship of The Iliad by Homer or Shakespeare's Hamlet than to question the Bible.

      Here's why that's important: A new survey shows a vast majority of Americans (97%) still believe in God, but many of them (highest-ever total of 20%) are looking for new ways to learn about Him because they've cut themselves off from religious institutions. So when scientists this week announced they had discovered the "god particle?, or a Higgs Boson, many of these God-believing Americans have no way to know what it means; no structure to explain to them the discovery isn't a challenge to God's existence, or even to God as the Creator. (Elder Christians and quantum physicists both know that even if a Higgs boson does turn out to be a tool in the creation of the universe, it's a tool as easily used by the True Creator as by an accident of nature.)

      I think if Simon Peter were alive today, he would stand before we followers of Jesus and repeat his words in I Peter 3:15, telling us to "be ready to give an answer (explain) for the hope (of Christ) that is in us.? Elder Christians today must be doing two things: (a) Declaring boldly their confidence in Scripture while backing it up with evidence; and (b) Guiding younger Christians and even seekers back to churches committed to teaching about God instead of commenting about culture. We must know so much about God that He shapes our culture; otherwise, members of that culture will create myths to explain the God-sized hole in their hearts.

      A doctor wrote Luke and Acts. He did it because he wanted his friend (Theophilus) to trust what he was hearing about Jesus (see Luke 1:1). What makes Luke a trustworthy reporter? He lived with and spoke with eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus; witnesses who heard His words and witnessed His miracles. So many eyewitnesses existed, in fact, that Luke's writings would have been debunked if they weren't scrupulously accurate. These witnesses and eyewitnesses not only didn't criticize Luke's results, they made it canon.

      Then there's this: If Americans are indeed abandoning their church while still believing in God, their children are suffering even more. Statistics show if an American has not made a profession of faith in Jesus by the time they reach 18, there is only a 4% likelihood they ever will!

      Jesus said (in John 14:6) that only those who come to God through Jesus will be saved for eternity. Remember, those aren't words made up by Christians; that's a direct quote---from the most accurate book in history---from Jesus Himself. Again, this means we followers of Jesus must boldly declare our confidence in God, our need for Christ, and our trust in the Bible's accuracy and authenticity.

      And we must bring Americans back into churches where they can learn things like the nature of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, when and how God hears prayer, and why Jesus' death and resurrection are so important to the world.

      As pastors, as church members and as long-time followers of Jesus, we must work together to  first know the Bible and then learn how to manage life, instead of learning life skills and checking them against Scripture.
--Randy Kilgore
Are you worried about the Bible's place in science and vice-versa?  Do you have questions about evidence that seems to contradict Scripture?  Are you looking for ways to explain to young believers why they can trust the Bible?  Send us your questions, worries and fears: We'll select the most common questions submitted and bring you answers from the best science and faith resources available.

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