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Our Weekly Devotional

He's Looking for You!

Monday, December 10, 2012 • Randy Kilgore • Knowing God
Just as I am - though toss'd about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
-O Lamb of God, I come!

...For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."---Luke 19:10

      For most of us, the search for the "Christmas spirit" begins shortly after we clear the Thanksgiving dishes. Some search for it in malls, where they hope the perfect gift will evoke perfect warmth, restoring broken relationships or taking loving ones to the next level. Others look for it in acts of kindness, hoping against hope to see a hint that something they did made a difference in someone else's life. Others search for "that feeling" in nostalgia, where a favorite movie or a special box of decorations calls to mind a tender time or a better day when loved ones now gone were still present, or where estranged family members were not so estranged.

      Many look to their faith, confident that the reason for the season will awaken in them the warm glow they once felt as a child, when Christmas plays were big family events and Christmas candlelight services overwhelmed their childlike senses. Mixed in with the faith crowd are the ritual and tradition folks, those who cling lovingly to the "way we've always done Christmas" to rejuvenate the damage done by overzealous marketing campaigns and over-the-top gift demands.

      Some are so busy they never realize the holiday is upon them until it's too late to "feel it." Others are too lonely or too worried or too sick or too sad, and for these, the Christmas tunes make promises their hearts are convinced just can't be kept.

      In fact, most of us are like the shepherds sitting in darkness on that hillside long ago; we need a host of angels to shake the dust from our souls such that we're left with only this thought:

I need to see Jesus!

     But where to find Him? Here's the good news:


      ---Are you the broken Christian, whose journey has taken you away from God, leaving you feeling unworthy again? Like the younger son in the Prodigal Son account, He wants to remind you that nothing can separate you from His love! He's watching for you right now.
      ---Are you the Christian trying so hard to obey His Word that you're angry with those who aren't? Has your outrage at the disrespect others are showing your Savior disrupted your loving-kindness, as it did the older brother in that same Prodigal Son account? God loves your respect for His word---and your obedience---but He wants you to have peace of mind. Jesus is looking for you, so He can tell you to let Him (Jesus) judge others; let Him change them: You be His angels this Christmas, finding new ways to break up the darkness around unbelievers with the good news that God is With Us!
     ---Are you angry Christians aren't what they should be? Jesus is looking for you, too, eager to let you discover He's everything you're looking for when you look at Christians. He's eager to show you His love, and to teach you that anger at others only punishes you.  Expecting Christians to be perfect pressures many of them to try too hard to be good (Martha) instead of learning to be in the presence of God, who teaches and shapes us for service.(Mary)
     ---Are you the lonely single parent left to raise your family alone? The alcoholic who's failed so often even you don't want to be with you? The meth addict whose body has sold your heart out, robbing you of the strength to even cry out to God? Jesus wants you to know He sees you made whole---some here and some not until heaven---but He wants you to know He sees you with eyes of love and not words of reproof.
     ---Are you the child whose parents are gone, or have rejected you, leaving you bewildered and stunned? Jesus wants you to know He is with you right now. He does not want you to feel abandoned; He wants you to rest your head on Him.
     ---Are you broken in hidden ways, desperately afraid someone will discover your secret struggles? Are those struggles making you ashamed to meet Jesus because you know He knows? He wants you to know you are fully known and still fully loved!

      Wherever you are in your spiritual trek, Jesus waits to break through the darkness to shout "A Savior is Born!" as long and as loud as it takes to get you to decide to go look. For no one who approached the manger that first Christmas day, and no one who met Jesus on any day thereafter, ever came away the same.

      Let we who call Him Savior be harbingers of the hope that once brought us profound relief; and may we be found by Jesus tending even the worst of the wounded when He first hears them call out for Him.

      He always shows up. Always.

      That's the real buzz of Christmas; and it has been since a bunch of shepherds got startled by an army of angels 2000 years ago.
---Randy Kilgore

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