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Our Weekly Devotional

Shortly after the release of his first three collections of Bible studies on faith and work (30 Moments Christians Face in the Workplace), Madetomatter's Senior Writer began to look for new ways to reach working Christians. In February, 2002, the first weekly devotional was released under the title "Marketplace Moments." Now approaching it's tenth year, the column's title was changed to Made to Matter on January 1, 2008. With over 500 devotionals written on topics important to workers in every walk of life, there's likely one written about the issues facing you right now, so we've placed them here, searchable, for readers to explore anew. Got a favorite? Write to let us know. Looking for something to send that friend whose suffered a loss, or who has had a serious setback at work? You might find a column that captures the essence of your feelings right here. From the deeply moving story of the WWII canteen in North Platte, Nebraska to the words and life-tales of some of history's best-known and least-known characters, there's something here for everyone.

Monday, April 2, 2012 • Randy Kilgore • Deliverance
The email sounded like many others we get. At its heart was a statement most of us can identify with, going something like this: "Chaplain," the carpenter said, "it's like I can't help myself sometimes. The very things I wish I would stop doing are the things I keep doing, and the things I wish I would do-and that I know God wants me to do-are the very things I can't seem to get to or to do."

Sound familiar?
Thursday, November 19, 2009 • Randy Kilgore • Caring for the Poor
Off the coast of Nova Scotia wild horses roam this "Island of Lost Ships", where hundreds of shipwrecks claimed thousands of lives. Breathtaking ridgelines and lung-gasping sunsets mask Sable Island's terrible traps: Shoals and reefs so deceptively shallow a ship is trapped before it knows it's in danger; and breakers so deadly mariners have long called this place the "graveyard of the Atlantic". As each storm gathers, wild ponies-remnants of a herd left or lost by John Hancock's brother-lift their mighty manes, stamping their hooves as they cut the herd into the lee behind a dune. There, frail and feeble ponies are packed tightly in the middle of a circle as the stallions and the strong use their own bodies to shield the weak from the storm's relentless pummeling. It is the clearest picture one can imagine of how God expects His children to behave.
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