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Lately, I've found myself more eager to see the Lord return to usher in His Kingdom. The terror and tragedies around us; the suffering of people we know and love; and even the stresses of daily life, all seem bigger than the fixes on the horizon. As the work I do begins to feel like spooning out the ocean, I grow especially impatient with those around me, and even sometimes with God. "What can He be waiting on?" I wonder.
Who could imagine the mountains God was building in a dusty tent in that 1915 desert?
Two folders sat on President Abraham Lincoln's desk, each asking him to commute or pardon the sentence of death hanging over the soldier named therein. Without the President's pardon, both would die by hanging within the week.
I'm sure an army of angels was chuckling at Tina that night. I'm also certain God was pleased by Tina's tender heart-
Tim Tebow's already honoring Scripture by doing his job as if doing it for the Lord (Col. 3:23). But he also believes in honoring Scripture by sharing his faith publicly. Fellow quarterback Aaron Rodgers (quoting St. Francis of Assissi) thinks differently on the matter. What does the Bible say?
The longer we are Christians, the more likely we are to pick a fight for our faith.
Trudging from my father's pick-up truck to stand as we read words over his casket, I felt as if I were once again the Stage Manager in Thornton Wilder's classic play "Our Town." In fact, some of those who shared the stage with me in our high school production were buried right there; and I felt at times as if they were whispering to each other the words of the graveyard scene in Wilder's incredibly timeless play.
Bib overalls, salty language, and raucous laughter; just the sounds the nurses expected from the crowd gathered in my father's hospital room: Two old truck drivers, one former country/western singer, one millwright, two farm wives and me.
The ones who've seen the darkest nights know best just how much even the tiniest flicker of hope can light that night. This Christmas, let the shepherds be the wise ones as we point our friends, neighbors and coworkers to the Light that never goes out.
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